Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hideous Arse Candles!

John Scalzi received some low-grade snark today, and decides to grade it for effort and effect. Sadly, the snark doesn't come out so well, only meriting a C-, but it does yield what is sure to enter the lexicon of all good Blogistanic insults: "Hideous Arse Candles". Now, that's just classic!

I hope Scalzi doesn't object, but I couldn't resist the urge to look through some of the photos that he's posted to the Whatever over the years and, well, adjust them according to his newfound status as High Priest of Hideous Arse Candlehood.

Yup. You can tell I am in "holiday mode"!

UPDATE: Ha! I thought that would get a link! Welcome aboard, Whateverites. Feel free to hang out a while. Put your feet up. Check out the archives. And don't worry about breaking anything; most of my shit's been broken already. It's not yours until you break it, after all.


John Scalzi said...

Dude, I'm totally stealing that last one.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Well, seeing as how I stole it from you first, it seems only fair!

Anonymous said...

Perfect. I think Scalzi should put that on his next jacket. Nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Jaq, you just improved it. One wonders where John shows up in the obvious web search. I'm tempted to collect links to all the Scalzi artwork out there, not just the SFWA stuff...... Mike