Sunday, October 01, 2006

Well, there's Cirith Ungol, and Mount Doom, and....

Over the last twenty-four hours I've had a spate of hits from a number of search engines, all looking for some variant of "a landmark east of Minas Morgul". If anyone looking for such reads this, can you drop a comment telling me why the sudden interest? Is there an online quiz or something floating around that I don't know about? Let me know!

(BTW, since I'm a helpful fellow and all, here's the Wikipedia page about Middle Earth, which contains a map of the place. As we're heading toward wintertime, I expect sometime in the next few months I'll re-watch the movies. I tend to get more into an epic fantasy mood in the colder months.)


LC Scotty said...

I just re-watched all three a few weeks ago, and I am now reading teh books for the first time.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Oh, I'm envious. I'd love to be able to read those books again for the first time!

You should blog about it as you progress through them. Be prepared, though, for lots of differences from the movies. Peter Jackson had the change a lot of stuff to make the movies last less than seven hours each!

Anonymous said...

Well, there's always Gorbag's Ole-Fashioned Morgul Pancake House, best Orc Pancakes in Middle-Earth!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Having someone blog their first trip through LOTR? That would be a great thing to read.

I remember my first time reading the scene with the Balrog. Nothing compares to the shock and dismay the reader will experience if they don't know what's coming. I feel sorry for people who see the movie first.