And that's not all I bought: I picked up five and four books respectively for The Daughter and for The Wife, in addition to all that above, and all for $8.75. Amazing.
The best part is that I'll likely end up profiting on this book sale, because I also snagged a pristine Library of America edition of the essays and lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and when I've sold LoA volumes on eBay in the past, they've always gone for somewhere around fifteen bucks each. I may also auction that Complete Sherlock Holmes, and since that copy of Halliburton's The Flying Carpet is nicer than my other two copies of the same book, I'll keep that one and auction one of the others.
It's hard to see, but that third book from the bottom is an old translation of Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne -- it's so old that the title is given there as Tour of the World in Eighty Days. There's no date in the book that I can find, unfortunately, but the thing is clearly quite old, judging by the browning of the paper, the typeface, and the old stylistic thing where book titles were always followed by a period in that era. I'll have to investigate this further, but I strongly suspect that this book will be of more use to collectors than to anyone as a reading copy of Verne's novel.
Oh, and that paperback of the Carlos Castaneda book at the top? I found in its pages the original owner's receipt of purchase. They bought it at the Canisius College bookstore on April 2, 1971. I love finding stuff in old books.
So where am I going to put all this stuff? No idea at all. Duh!
I have used dollar bills as bookmarks for years. Every now and then I'll pick up a book I have not read for a while and find money in it.
What a great haul! Much better than the AAUW book sale.
You do realize that books make fabulous insulation? A wall-sized bookshelf filled with books helps in keeping the Buffalo Cold outside- although it doesn't help when one has more books then space...
Is the phrase "Monty Haul" common koine? The only place I've seen it used is the infamous and uproarious "Bimbos of the Death Sun" by Sharyn McCrumb.
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