Sunday, June 27, 2004

Your Burst of Weirdness (on the right day, for once)

A few days ago, Jostein kvetched a bit about the fact that apparently folks in Norway aren't as lucky as the folks in Capistrano: instead of swallows, they have to contend with slugs.

Well, in America we have a saying that's constantly on the lips of people who are so optimistic you often want to drop one of Monty Python's 16-ton weights upon them: "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!"

(You can probably see where I'm going with this.)

"When life hands you slugs, make slug fritters!"

(Upon perusing the recipe, I have to say that it seems a bit wimpy to me. You mince the slugs before mixing them into a batter? What's with that? It seems to me you should just batter them whole and deep-fry them, if you're really going to do this. Yeesh.)

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