Sunday, June 20, 2004

"Don't blow into the mike, you idiot!"

So I was told by a music teacher in grade school when he enlisted me to help with a sound check of the microphones in the auditorium, a day or two before our yearly band concert. I just shrugged, if I recall correctly; after all, you always see people blowing into the mike. But did he ever "spazz out", in the parlance of the day.

Anyway, just a quick post here to keep things alive while I entertain -- the blogging equivalent of waking up long enough to stick a log on the campfire. The Burst of Weirdness and the Image of the Week will appear Tuesday instead of today, for those who are hopelessly addicted to my regular features (and who, by being thus addicted, are demonstrably in need of some finer stimulation!). I doubt I'll be posting anything tomorrow at all, but you never know. For now, here's a bit of linkage:

:: Jostein links an interview with director Paul Verhoeven, a guy I'm not big on but who's done a few films I liked a lot.

:: Roger Ebert on Michael Moore:

The pitfall for Moore is not subjectivity, but accuracy. We expect him to hold an opinion and argue it, but we also require his facts to be correct. I was an admirer of his previous doc, the Oscar-winning "Bowling for Columbine," until I discovered that some of his "facts" were wrong, false or fudged....Because I agree with Moore's politics, his inaccuracies pained me, and I wrote about them in my Answer Man column. Moore wrote me that he didn't expect such attacks "from you, of all people." But I cannot ignore flaws simply because I agree with the filmmaker. In hurting his cause, he wounds mine.

I agree wholeheartedly.

:: Dominion celebrates two years of blogging. Actually, I'm a bit late on this one, but still, congrats to him. It's a dirty job, being on all those right-wing mailing lists, but somebody's got to do it....

:: Go SpaceShipOne!!!

:: Would it have killed them to build this in Buffalo?!

:: Oh, and I've just seen via Redwood Dragon that a new post has just appeared on a long-dormant blog I hadn't read before. Here is why Jeff Cooper stopped active blogging, and here is his update on the state of affairs. All my hopes to him and his family that it all works out for the best.

UPDATE: Welcome aboard, Making Light readers, and feel free to stay a while. To paraphrase Willy Wonka, "There's so much time, and so little to read -- wait. Strike that, reverse it."

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