Sunday, February 15, 2004

So, a little Gilbert & Sullivan and you think you're ready for Wagner?!

In today's Buffalo News, classical music critic Mary Kunz has a nice article in which she basically cheers for opera. (In fact, "Cheers for Opera" is the headline.) Lots of good advice here, basically boiling down to, "Just go!"

Actually go see an opera, because as wonderful as recordings are, they just don't capture it all -- nor, really, do videos or DVDs, although I haven't seen one in that way in a while, so maybe they've figured out how to better catch the action. I have seen terribly few operas in my life -- less than five, actually -- and I'd love to see more. (If a performance of Les Troyens ever took place in Buffalo, I might just be moved to kill for tickets.) Just keep in mind that you're watching and hearing the performance of a story. Nothing more, and nothing less.

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