Sunday, July 13, 2003

Some sort of folderol is developing across Blogistan right now about some group that wants to be called "The Brights". (A good place to start is Kevin Drum's take -- just follow his links outward. Oh, and Mindles Dreck has some thoughts and linkage too.)

I dunno...this is one of those popular blog topics that I'm pretty much sitting out. On the basis of what little I've read of this business, I'm simpatico with the "Brights". But I don't like the name. It implies that everyone else is the "Dims", doesn't it?

On a tangentially-related point, James Lileks takes exception to something Steven King said in a review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Now, Lileks has a point as far as this particular point goes, but it's a pretty tiny point, really -- it's one sentence, a throwaway thought, from King's review. Does Lileks have to do a pseudo-comparison of King to Ann Coulter? Isn't that laying it on a little thick? (I've been finding Lileks more palatable again lately. Who knows if that will last, though, because it didn't take me long to sour on him originally.)

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