Sunday, July 27, 2003 occurs to me that part of my current anxiety may stem not just from my increasing frustration with matters economic, but from the more prosaic fact that I haven't been listening to much music lately.

A lot of my recent writing efforts have taken place not at my regular desk (where I was doing my rough-drafts in longhand, and where I have a nine-year-old Sony Discman that's still going strong), but at the computer, where I don't have a Discman. But the computer does do MP3s...and I did buy, some months ago, an extension cord that would make it easier for me to plug headphones into the computer.

Anyway, right now I have John Barry's score to The Lion In Winter playing on the big stereo while I edit an old essay, and I'm just happy as a rat in liverwurst (to pinch a metaphor from Stephen King).

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