Sunday, September 25, 2005

Something I'll never read

Here's a brief excerpt from a book that I'll never get to read, because the book doesn't exist:

Rock yawned. "Gotta get moving," Rock said. A couple of hundred million years went by. A rock is always slow to take action. A rock watches an oak grow from a sapling to a towering tree, and it's a flash and a dazzle in the mind of a rock. What was that? Rock thinks. Or maybe, Huh?

The excerpt is from a children's book called Zod Wallop, which only exists as excerpts in the horror novel of the same name by William Browning Spencer. It's a good book, my copy of which I unearthed yesterday in the course of digging through my stacks of old stuff (for eventual trundling off to the library as a donation to their book sale).

I remember enjoying Zod Wallop a great deal when I read it seven or eight years ago. I also remember wishing that I could read Zod Wallop. Confused? Yeah, me too.

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