Saturday, January 29, 2005

Was it Gore-Tex?

Since I learned yesterday that Vice President Cheney attended a very solemn memorial service at Auschwitz garbed in a giant parka (as opposed to the standard black wool overcoat), I've been of mixed mind: it's just not that big a deal, but I think it does speak to a certain oafishness on the part of the people who assured us, back on January 20, 2001, that "the grownups were back in charge".

But what really bugged me about this whole thing was something else, something elusive, that I couldn't quite put my finger on. But finally it came to me just a little bit ago: what bothers me is that I don't want the Vice President of the United States looking like George Costanza when he's abroad representing my country. I mean, compare:

The Vice President

George Costanza


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