Monday, October 10, 2005

Sunday Monday Burst of Weirdness

Yesterday's planned Burst of Weirdness was delayed a day, so here it is: a guy who has had a lot of plastic surgeries. I mean, a lot of plastic surgeries. As in, thirty of 'em. And the money he's spent? A quarter of a million dollars. Any why?

"When you're in Hollywood, you have to keep yourself together and looking good to extend your career."

An actor? Nope. He's a hairstylist and makeup artist. He's not even one of those "body modification" types, the ones with the forked tongues and teeth filed to points and the like.

Story here, with photos of a guy who's spent thousands upon thousands of dollars, and who knows how many hours under the knife, to look like a blend of Max Headroom and those androgenous models from Robert Plant's "Addicted To Love" video.

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