Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Burst

Oh, Internet, how weird you are!

:: They will make jewelry out of anything these days.

Via Cal, who is always a prime source of odd stuff.

:: This is weird: not five minutes after I posted the thing below about the book Farmer Boy did this show up in my Twitter feed: all the meals from Farmer Boy. Too bad Laura Ingalls Wilder wasn't a food writer, because she'd have been a good one.

:: Every kitchen needs a gizmo to make pancakes on a stick.

:: Three weird items, so here's some Awesome for you: a guy who carries a camera right into big ocean waves so you can see what they're like. Amazing.

More next week!


fillyjonk said...

Laura Ingalls Wilder may not have been a food writer, but there is a "Little House Cook Book" (by a different author, I forget who now).

I've made a few things out of it, mostly breads and some of the vegetable dishes.

Roger Owen Green said...

"Or, customers can pour in eggs to produce an omelet-sicle." THAT would be useful.

mylittlegeekery said...

I had no idea that the "Happy Birthday Song" was an invention. The things you learn...