Sunday, September 07, 2003

Embarrassing admission time: my "career" as a fiction writer began in fifth grade, when a few friends and I banded together to pretend that we were some kind of amateur film-making company and write scripts for said films. And yes, we were geeky losers. (Some might think that I still am, but that's a point for another day.) We would write these ten-page action-pieces featuring the great action heroes of the day, most notably James Bond and Indiana Jones. And we'd put the two together, for crossover madness. And, of course, since we were fifth graders not quite on the cusp of realizing that females actually are not "icky", we'd leave out the Bond-and-women stuff in favor of the "Bond defeats fifty ninjas with the aid of his eyeglasses-laser blasters that Q gave him" stuff. Zap! Pow!

Well, anyway, I recall that one of us -- it might have been me, but I honestly don't recall -- had James Bond working to thwart Blofeld's nefarious scheme to -- gasp! -- blow up US national monuments. Oh, how lame a plot that was! Oh, the innocence! National monuments, indeed. It is to laugh.


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