Sunday, May 04, 2003

Sometimes in blogging you just have to go with the most obvious quip available:

"I'm shocked! -- shocked! -- to find that gambling is going on here!"

Ah well...I do have to admit a certain amount of glee in seeing the latest entry in the Right Wing Hypocrite Parade, and Bennett's a big one. This is the guy who has made a cottage industry out of preaching and generally being smug; the sheer tonnage of words he's spilled on the subject of how he thinks people Democrats should live would, to use an Aaron Sorkin analogy, stop a team of oxen in its tracks. But as per usual, these folks seem to think that the Sword of Morality only has one edge -- the left one.

(And for defenders of Bennett, I'd like to ask a question: positing the old canard that "Actions speak louder than words", I'm wondering if Bennett's charitable contributions to social welfare organizations over the years -- you know, the "thousand points of light" that are a priori preferable and better than similar public programs -- total significantly more than his gambling losses.)

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