Errr...oops. The problem with taking a few days off from work is that my routine is now off, and as today -- my first day back to work after a four-day weekend -- felt positively Monday-ish, I didn't do the Wednesday thing. Yeah, oops!
So...tell me something that actually sucks more than going back to work after time off!
Going back to work on a Wednesday, and at the end of that day it seems like Thursday. Yup. today was that bad.
Feeling exhausted and burnt out because you haven't had time off at all.
Also having your foot eaten off by a pack of army ants. That sucks a lot too.
Having your car window open one day and having to shovel the snow the next...yuck
Not having work to go back to.
Or going back to work while having your foot eaten off by a pack of army ants. I've heard that sucks a lot.
Being forced to attend five hours of diabetes education classes when you are smart enough to look up information in books or on the internet. I even have a personal nurse to tell me all these things. I swear if they have a 'sugar mascot' I am going to punch him in the head.
Actually, this is true of this week: Friday , the techie worked on my computer, fixing a printing problem. I was out all day Monday and half of Tuesday with a a daughter with strep throat. Get to work Tuesday p.m. and the techie has left me with temporary settings, which means that my e-mail doesn't recognize me, the iTunes settings I made, hooking up some podcasts to listen to, are gone. Finally, wednesday, they're finally resolved. VERY unproductive week.
Having a crown prep done, and then having to go to work, while the novocaine is still wearing off.
(This has never actually happened to me, though I did go in to work on some research - at least didn't have to talk to anyone - after having one)
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