Wow. One week, and
last week's entry is still unidentified, despite
the hint from yesterday. So I'll leave this one unidentified for now, but here's another hint: it's in the Pacific Northwest.
Meantime, staying right on schedule, here's the next entry:

Where are we?
Rot-13 your answers, folks!
I normally suck at this, but I got a good feeling tonight!!
Fg. Onfvy'f Pngurqeny. Rnfvrfg bar guhf sne.
Fnvag Onfvy'f Pngurqeny
I agree with tristan: Fg. Onfvy'f Pngurqeny / Gur Xerzyva
Fg. Onfvy'f Pngurqeny, Zbfpbj, bs pbhefr. Gur bavba-qbzr funqbjf ner qvntabfgvp.
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
Fg. Onfvy'f Pngurqeny Erq Fdhner, Zbfpbj, Ehffvn.
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