Monday, June 24, 2002

I've added a couple of links to blogs I have found in the last few days.

:: Shadow of the Hegemon takes its title from the Orson Scott Card novel of the same name, which is a part of Card's "Ender" series of books (none of which I have yet read, though Ender's Game seems to be permanently one of the five books I mean to read "any day now"). I can't comment on how that title reflects the site's content, but the site is a Warblog from a left-leaning standpoint. Just about every Warblog out there tends to operate on the right side of the political spectrum, which makes this one especially valuable. And it's well written and well reasoned, to boot. (I learned about this one via this post by Stephen DenBeste on USS Clueless, to whose site Demosthenes provides a worthy counterpoint.)

:: I Love Everything, which seems to be exactly that: a grab-bag of nifty links (plus a really cool-looking design).

Permanent links can be found at right, under "Other Journeys".

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