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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Answers, the third!

Just one today! But first a little backstory. Someone arrived upon my blog today by way of a search string that...well, here's what I tweeted about it:

That awkward moment when someone finds your blog using a search string that could only be used by someone searching for pr0n....

I refused to divulge the exact and icky search string (but I did admit that it had nothing to do with Star Wars, power tools, cats, overalls, or pies-in-faces). This led a friend of mine, Scotty, to get clever:

So, for my ask me anything question-if I ask what they searched for will you answer?

Well, this is Ask Me Anything!, so I must answer the question, just as Scotty asked it. So here's the answer to the question, exactly as he asked it:


OK, more answers to come! Feel free to ask stuff, too! (Except questions about that. I think we've killed that topic pretty nicely.)

And thanks, Scotty, for the loophole!


  1. I want to know what he searched for, too.

    Just FYI: your blog in my blogger feed seems to get stopped up or something. It looks like you only update once a week.

    Any idea what's going on?


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