I'm not sure what "Holding Pattern Delta" involves, but it sounds cool, so that's what I'm going with!
Anyhow, regular life this week still has lots of stuff in the hopper, what with The Wife's vacation, family stuff, and various other activities planned, so posting here will still be sporadic for probably a week or so. I'll try to have some Sentential Links and a Burst of Weirdness at some point, but they may not appear on their standard days.
By way of a progress report of sorts, in conjunction with my recent birthday (last week, for you lazy stragglers!), The Wife and I took a one-night trip into the Fingerlakes region (a few photos of which are available on my Flickr stream, accessible through the "Flickr Badge" thing in the sidebar). We took a scenic drive during which we did not enter a single four-lane, limited exchange highway, either the NYS Thruway or any other such expressway, which is really still the best way to see places. There was birthday cake and birthday pie, there was an Apple Festival in Ithaca (holy used bookstores, Batman!), one of the best toystores I've ever seen (don't tell The Daughter! One of her Christmas presents is in our closet!), and other nice things done. And today we're going to Pumpkinville...and I'm planning another round of tie-dying this week...and in between all that, I'm escaping to the planet Barsoom to adventure alongside Captain John Carter.
So anyway, keep checking in!
(Oh by the way, nobody still has made any guesses on Unidentified Earth 18, so I'll keep narrowing it down. It's in Oregon, folks. Come on! Somebody's gotta know what that thing is!)
Hey buddy, long time no see.
ReplyDeleteI have developed a Voight Kampff test for Randroids which I think will prove quite effective in rooting out the scum:
Voight-Kampff test for objectivists:
You're in a park (obviously not a public park since no such thing would exist in libertopia) and you're alone there, except for a drowning child in the pond.
It's not in your personal best interest to save the child, after all it does not really affect you whether it lives or dies. There's no guarantee of any reward whatsoever, the child might have been abandoned for all you know. Rescuing it would decidedly be an act of altruism.
What do you do?
I Googled "Holding Pattern Delta" and what do I find? THIS POST!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it sounds like a very slow T-minus 4.