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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sentential Links #100

That's right, we're into triple digits. Long live the sentences!

:: You might need to declare email bankruptcy. (Maybe it's just because I don't work a desk job, but my e-mail is quite well within the bounds of my ability to handle it without wanting to lure it into a quiet stretch of water and strangle it.)

:: Before it happens, I just want to state for the record that when Juliet winds up betraying the castaways tonight and proving that she really was working with Ben the whole time and that Ben had planned all the dynamite stuff, that I'm not shocked. (I don't know what any of that means, actually.)

:: Frequent are the times when I want to grab some whiny chick and shake her and scream in her face, "What the heck is wrong with you!?"

:: Anyway, considering Powerline's utter lack of introspection, amusing inability to learn from mistakes, and a massive amount of evidence that they -- the Three Stooges of the blogosphere -- wouldn't recognize common sense if it punched them in the face, is it any wonder that their brethren, considered the wingersphere's best and brightest, are still routinely humiliated?

:: For Mr. Steyn and the professional indignation specialists over at Libertas, it will never be enough that Kazan went on to have a distinguished, artistically fulfilling and lucrative career after his testimony. He must be loved, not despite, but because of his having named names. (Referring to Elia Kazan, of course.)

:: Some day, I must walk to the Port, stopping off at, say, the Hare, the Bell, the Robin Hood, the Highbury Vaults, and the Pennyfarthing. I would probably not walk back, though. (Ahhh, beer...with the coming of summer, I tend to drink more beer. I like beer. Yup. I also like bars with names like "the Robin Hood" and "the Pennyfarthing".)

:: I asume I am the last person in the world to hear about the last person in the blogosphere to learn about the Silver Surfer quarters which are not counterfeit, but altered US Coins, which makes the people eligible for five years in federal prison as opposed to the ten to fifteen you get for counterfeiting. (Nope; I hadn't heard of this yet! Click through for linkage. You'd think the Franklin Mint would know what the hell they're doing.)

:: In general, human beings do not appreciate it when foreign armies invade their nation, shatter its infrastructure, drop bombs throughout the country, kill tens of thousands of civilians, unleash anarchy and chaos, and then proceed to occupy the country with a force of 150,000 foreign soldiers. And that is true even if a genuine monster like Saddam Hussein is removed from power and killed in the process.

:: Go wherever you may go, on the web, around town, at work/school, and you're going to find this rather aggressive strain of provincialism. People not only unwilling to explore other vistas or to consider other viewpoints, but they are harsh and sometimes eager to stop up any discussion that does not center around them. (This post is in partial response to....)

:: The fourth reason is that to know and to read the great books makes one a member of the family of all those who have eaten from the same dish. (A fine, fine post on why one should read the Great Literature. I'm not sure I agree with everything here, especially this: "Some works are sublime, meant to last forever, to be read and reread until the work becomes a treasured part of one's soul; some are pulp, meant to thrill the reader." Seems to me that the works which endure do so because they are worthy of enduring, not because they are meant to endure. The best thing to do is drink widely from the deep well.)

:: Extricandae copiae! (I'm on board. Get them out.)

Enough for now. Enjoy.


  1. WOOO HOOOO!! I made it! I had this crazy ambition to be in Sentential Links #100 but I didn't think I would make it because I hadn't written anything special in the last week and I didn't want to write a bunch of stuff just to try to get in it because that would be cheating. But I made it anyway. Yay!

    (It is ridiculously easy to make me happy.)

  2. The solution for too much e-mail is the phone? OK. But IM? Yuck. I hate IM.


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