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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A quiz thing

Haven't done one of these in a while. This is via Electronic Cerebrectomy.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... has exited my brain. Seriously. Don't remember it.

2. I am listening to... the wind in the trees. Nothing going on right now, no music playing, no teevee droning.

3. I talk... in iambic pentameter. OK, not really. But it would be cool.

4. I want... to rewind the calendar of my life back to, oh, August 10, 2004 and see if it all plays out differently.

5. My best friend(s)... is at work right now, if she's got the same work schedule this week that she usually does.

7. The weather is... stunning: sunny and low humidity. Bite me, all you "I hate Buffalo weather" dweebs.

8. I hate it when people... act like people, instead of acting like persons, if that makes sense.

9. Love is... when your default reaction to something terrible happening is fear that the other may not make it through.

10. Marriage is... kept from gays for absolutely no good reason that I've ever heard.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking... "Wow, I could really go for some Cheetos and Mallomars."

12. I'll always... want just one more chicken wing or slice of pizza.

13. I have a secret crush on... Mirna from The Amazing Race. Actually, this isn't really secret, but then, I don't keep my crushes secret. I advertise 'em, front and center.

14. The last time I cried was... sometime in the last day. I can summon up tears on command now.

15. My cell phone is... out there somewhere, waiting for me. I don't own one. Don't need one.

16. When I wake up in the morning... I either lazily lay in bed a while, or I utter a curse before lazily laying in bed a while. This depends on the hour and how well I've slept.

17. Before I go to bed... I clean out the old sinuses with the Neti pot. Hey, you asked.

18. Right now I am thinking about... why I can't live a life of romance and derring-do like d'Artagnan.

19. Babies are... for other people, apparently.

20. I go on MySpace... once in a great while. I set up a profile there in case anyone on MySpace was looking for me; the only purpose it serves is basically to direct people here. However, I've never yet seen a referral show up in my SiteMeter stats. I generally think MySpace is pretty useless. It bugs me that I have this awesome 2006 computer with a DSL connection that I can use to look at MySpace pages that look like the personal websites I used to see when I was on my 1996 Compaq Presario surfing my dial-up connection.

21. Today I... took The Wife to a medical appointment, where I read thirty pages of The Three Musketeers in the waiting room; went food-shopping; and went for a long walk while listening to the Revenge of the Sith score on my personal CD player.

22. Tonight I... will take The Family Whose Number MUST NEVER EXCEED THREE out for dinner at our favorite road-side burgers-and-hot-dogs joint. Then we'll come home, watch TV, read, put The Daughter to bed, and call it a night.

23. Tomorrow I... will finish up some reviews for GMR and start writing again. It's time once again for my fictional children to step up and do their surrogate duty.

24. I really want to... know what exactly it is that some people think is so "intelligently designed" about the human body.

25. Someone who will most likely repost this? Nobody, probably -- my bitter tone here will probably scare them off. Time to go get some food, I think.


  1. i'll repost it - probably in a month when I've become desparate for content, and just to fool you.

  2. It's not bitter, it's honest. Big difference. Enjoy your dinner!

  3. honesty is good.
    i played along too today.

  4. There's a lot of stuff between the lines here, my friend. I hear your angst. Fertility and healthy infants are so easily taken for granted by those who spend most of their reproductive years trying NOT to get pregnant. Whatever the future holds for your family, I wish you peace and healing.

  5. Oh Kelly,
    I know you are feeling a lot of pain and I actually think that your keeping on posting here is good for you...I keep on checking the blog to see how you are doing. I am glad you have a bit of a sense of humor, sick as it might be (Mirna? Really?) and someday maybve you can tell me the secret of using a neti pot. I paid a good fifteen bucks for mine and all I do is drown myself every time I use it.

  6. On the Neti pot: you have to lean forward and tilt your head to one side so the water runs up one side and drains right out the other. On Mirna: yes, really! I am a slave to her beauty.


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