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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Late to the party, as usual!

It's always fun to see when some prominent blogger or other online writer notes something that Little Old Me blogged about a while back. In this case, in today's TMQ column, Gregg Easterbrook discovers old-time candy, and notes in particular the existence of Mallo Cups, made by the Boyer company:

This year for Christmas, we filled the kids' stockings with 1960s candy ordered from Hometown Favorites, explaining they were getting the candy that mom and dad got in their stockings as children. When the box from Hometown Favorites arrived, immediately I bit into my first Mallo Cup in 35 years. Turns out Boyer Candies, founded by Bill, Bob and Emily Boyer during the Depression as a door-to-door candy sales firm operated from the family kitchen, still makes Mallo Cups and Smoothies in Altoona, Pennsylvania. They even still have the little paper coin inside! The paper coins even still bear the cryptic instruction, STICK ON TAPE TO AVOID DELAY. Save 500 Mallo Cup points and send them to Altoona to receive a dollar bill: a transaction that was only attractive when Mallo Cups cost a dime and a first-class stamp was four cents.

Of course, longtime readers will remember when I touted the fine Boyer products myself, here and here. And the best part? I don't have to go online to order old-time candies -- I can just hop in the car and go to Vidler's in East Aurora. Not only can I consume the candy that Easterbrook and others ate as kids, I can buy it in the same type of place they bought it!

(That online candy store sure looks cool, though, and old-time candy would be the perfect stocking stuffer, eh?)

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