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Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 If you're wondering what I've been up to in terms of writing of late, here's what! I'm doing some revision work on Stardancer, The Wisdomfold Path, and Amongst the Stars as part of a relaunch effort, at the same time that I'm getting The Savior Worlds ready for release. Yay! New stuff!

What's new in the first three books? I'm adding a "Dramatis Personae" to each book, and each volume after Stardancer will have a brief "Our Story Thus Far" summation of the story to that point. I'm also redoing the interiors with some new fonts, and I'm redoing the covers. Watch this space (or the Official Site) for more info as it comes along!

As soon as I get the proof of AMONGST THE STARS in the mail and verify it, I'll reveal the NEW COVERS to THE SONG OF FORGOTTEN STARS I, II, and III! #amwriting #writersofinstagram #WritingCommunity #sciencefiction #spaceopera #forgottenstars #bookdesign

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