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Thursday, November 08, 2018

Something for Thursday

OK, I'm going to try something new! Here's a 30-Day Challenge of the type that often shows up on various social media thingies. The idea is quite simple: Each day you post according to that prompt.

Well, I'm going to use this not as a daily prompt, but a weekly one. Each Thursday for the next thirty Thursdays I'll use the next prompt to select that week's song or music choice. By my calculations, assuming I don't miss any Thursdays, this will wrap up on the last Thursday in May, bringing us more than halfway around the calendar. Cool, huh?


Well, I'm doing it anyway.

Day 1:
A song with a color in the title.

(It specifies "a song I like," but I'll just take that as a given.)

Here are the Lemon Pipers, with "Green Tambourine".


  1. Ah, GREEN Tambourine. In honor of me!

  2. Lloyd Cole, Perfect Blue, Easy Pieces album, 1985


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