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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tone Poem Tuesday

I hated Debussy for years, but I started coming around a decade or so ago, when I began to appreciate his atmospherics more than I had before. La mer is, quite simply, a musical depiction of the sea, in three parts:

"From dawn to noon on the sea" or "From dawn to midday on the sea" – very slow – animate little by little (B minor)
"Play of the Waves" – allegro (with a very versatile rhythm) – animated (C sharp minor)
"Dialogue of the wind and the sea" or "Dialogue between wind and waves" – animated and tumultuous – give up very slightly (C sharp minor)

Debussy's intent is not at all to meditate on humans and their relationship with the sea, but on the sea itself. Like a lot of Debussy, the work is haunting and evocative, sweeping the listener along on a series of orchestral "images".

Here is La mer.

1 comment:

  1. Not that you SHOULD, but if you just did the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday music, I'd be quite satiated.


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