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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

National Whipped Cream Day

I know, the day is almost over, but I didn't want to let the day go by without a recognition of National Whipped Cream Day! I've no idea why a day honoring such a wonderful substance would be January 5, but hey, who cares. I love the stuff (The Wife, sadly, hates it), and for a lot more than just a thick upper layer for pies to be forcefully applied to my face. Whipped cream has long had an honored place in my family as a cat treat, for example. Anyway:

Here are five things to know about whipped cream.

Here is Alton Brown's recipe for whipped cream.

Here's some background, with outtake photos, of the famous cover art to the Herb Alpert album Whipped Cream and Other Delights.

Finally, want to play that weird Pieface game that's all the rage right now, but you can't find it? Allow me to demonstrate an alternative!

Whipped cream is great stuff!

Another in honor of National Whipped Cream Day! 😆 #whippedcream #yum #cartoonfilter #overalls #vintage #HickoryStripe #lee #pieintheface

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