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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Stuff

Late today with the post, I know. Holy crap, are the next few weeks shaping up to be busy! Anyhoo, a few things:

:: Things you should know about guns. Not an article about gun issues or politics relating to guns (I have my own opinions thereof, obviously), but rather a useful article for writers and storytellers about how guns work and what they actually do when they're discharged and that sort of thing.

:: The Five Scariest Grammar Issues for Writers. Another useful article, although my own personal grammar bugaboo isn't mentioned. (And what's that? Well, I will go to nearly any length to avoid the whole lay-lie-laid-lain-lied thing.)

:: New life goal: A trip to the British Isles where the only places I go are these bookstores. (Certain family members who like traveling to Britain may find this article worth bookmarking.)

More next week!


  1. lie/lay /lain/laid - terrible stuff. I have NEVER used the word lain since I was required to decades ago.

  2. I've been to Barter Books, it looks great but the selection is awful.


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