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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Your favorite word of four or more syllables. GO!


  1. Diaphanous.

    (Bonus word favorite: sesquipedalian.)

  2. defenestration

    Actually that's just the first one that came to mind. I just think it's hilarious that there is actually a word for throwing someone out a window. But if I think about it I can probably come up with several words I like better.

  3. Favourite word I will never use: Antediluvian.
    Word I love to hate: Bifurcated.
    Am I doing this right?

  4. Cerulean (a shade of blue). I love color names. They're so descriptive and gorgeous.

  5. Oddly, the first four-syllable word that came to my mind was... polysyllabic.

  6. The one that seems to come up most in my day-to-day is avocado.

  7. Incandescent. Probably doomed, too, now that the bulbs are outlawed. :)


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