Why is this? Well, everything I saw in the news yesterday pissed me off. I gave a brief (and not even exhaustive) list on Twitter earlier:
CNN has made it the country's one-stop shop for Events In Which Lots Of People Die.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
Oklahoma decided to penalize homeowners who install their own solar panels, because that means Big Oil isn't getting the money.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
Oklahoma also decided that local governments that want to establish a higher minimum wage in their own area can suck it.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
Coverage of the Ukraine situation seems intent on framing it as a grade school recess fight over who gets to control the jungle gym.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
One of the Kardashians purposely tried to look like Audrey Hepburn.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
Today's installment of Pearls Before Swine (always a favorite) relies on a tired joke about Star Wars.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
My city just had a ceremonial event where a government leader "pardons" a lamb made out of butter.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
In short: Nothing is sacred and everything is terrible.
— Kelly Sedinger (@Jaquandor) April 17, 2014
Yeah, I'm in a crap mood. So, time to pull out the big guns: a few songs that always cheer me up when I hear them. I've posted some or all of these before, but so what? Mood enhancement begins...now.
OK, that ought to do it. Onward and upward! Zap! Pow!
I wouldn't say it's a "crap" mood but I admit, at the rehearsal last night for the Maundy Thursday reading of Mark, when the reader got to "...wars and rumors of war," I shuddered a little bit, given stuff going on in the Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteand so many other places.
Though then again, I thought this morning: There probably hasn't been a ten-year stretch since 33 AD when someone didn't think, "Those prophecies are coming true, better light out for the mountains."
But yeah, it seems like lots of stuff has been really sucktackular of late, and some of the stupid things some people do aren't helping.
The 2 OK items irritated me because they were so avoidable.