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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Have you ever played MONOPOLY all the way to a single winner? Heck, has anybody ever done this, or does every game of MONOPOLY just kind of peter out at some point?


  1. I mostly remember the board going "whoopsie" at some point, usually when I was ahead - one of my fellow players would get in a snit and tip it over.

  2. Monopoly only starts after I get to be the magic hat. It only ends after I have made someone cry or driven them to only collect one dollar bills.

  3. I always get bored and either give away all my holdings, or lose on purpose. It's a boring game.

  4. I've played to completion a couple of times. It's not worth it.

  5. I have played to completion - or the inevitable end, down to two players, and one has a hotel on Boardwalk - several times, but don't even think I've played since Carol and I got married, because the game we got as a present (Albany-themed) is unopened.


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