Such an album is Steven Wilson's The Raven Who Refused To Sing, which came out last year. Wilson is the lead singer of a group called Porcupine Tree, but he also has a vivid solo career, and this album is a part of that. It's a stunner of an album, grabbing right from the very beginning with a couple of percussive guitar riffs before settling into the album's epic first track, which is quite the epic track indeed: by turns fast and driving, slow and meditative, hard-rocking and jazz inspired. This sets the tone for the album's hour-long running time, which is as cohesive and coherent a rock album experience as I've heard in years. I can't recommend this album highly enough.
Here's "Luminol", the first track from The Raven That Refused To Sing.
I only listened to the first minute, or so, of that, but I'd say he was heavily influenced by Yes.