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Monday, July 01, 2013

Charting the Progress...such as it was....

Here is how June shook out for writing:

Well...I'll take it. I did fall short of the goal I set at the beginning of the month by nearly 3000 words, unfortunately. My daily average turned out nearly 100 words less per day than I had been aiming for.

It was a tough month, though -- I lost two entire days to vacation-related driving, there was one day that involved a 4:00 am start at work, resulting in brain fry so extreme that on that day I only achieved 17 total words. Yes, one day I wrote two sentences. And there were a number of days when the going was pretty tough, because I was working my way through a part of the book that was a bit foggy in my mind going in, so I was doing the heavy lifting at the same time as the actual writing. Editing this book is going to be tough, I suspect; I know that there are a lot of fairly dodgy spots where I just basically cranked out prose that I mainly consider 'placeholder' prose. But one of my general attitudes on writing is "Ach, get something down and fix it later", so this doesn't bother me.

So, into July I go. I still hope to finish the first draft by the end of this month, but that may be a tall order. If that works out, then I should be able to let the manuscript age in a charred oak barrel until December! (That's to leave time for NaNoWriMo.)

Onward and upward! Zap! Pow!

Why yes, writing is exciting! #AmWriting

1 comment:

  1. You are the only guy who stresses about his hobbies/writing when he is on vacation. I know about obsessively following numbers so I know what I am talking about when I say it's a fools errand. Chase your tail all you want and you can only produce what you produce. At least you are producing something. And that keeps you from the top of the water tower with a rifle. But that may just be me. I look forward to the finished product (when YOU think it's finished) whenever it comes out. Keep livin' the dream my friend.


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