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Thursday, July 25, 2013

A brief note about comments

Folks, I've been getting pounded with spam comments the last day or two. If this doesn't subside, I'm going to have to deactivate anonymous commenting. I'll announce if that happens, but we might well be back to requiring Google accounts or some such.


  1. This potential development has caused great distress in the lands of obvious.

    Therefore sire I must ask my other Ask Me Anything early:

    If I drive to Buffalo will you throw a pie in my face and post the event on your blog?

  2. Why would you want to do so odd a thing!

  3. Oh, I had to change my ABC Wednesday blog (Blogger) to require some sort of account (Google, WordPress, two or three others) when I got several hundred in 3 months. The problem became 100% solved, so far.


All comments are moderated and thus won't appear immediately. Due to spam, I don't allow anonymous comments. For more, check out my comments policy.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.