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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

What's your 'limit' on social media sites? Not as in 'How do you limit how personal you get', but...what's a prominent social media site that you know of but don't use because you're on enough already? I have a LinkedIn account, but I almost never use it (and in truth, I don't even know what it's for or why I should use it), and I just deleted an account on something called SchoolFeed because it wasn't what I thought it was going to be and saw little use for what seemed like a Facebook-clone for people who attended the same school.

(And sorry for the lack of posting this week...downtime has been a bit tougher to come by than usual, and the novel comes first!)


  1. Narcissists abound. Facebook is like a class reunion that never freakin ends. I refuse to participate directly instead I use my wife's account. Other than that, nothing.

  2. Apart from blogging (does that count as social media?), I only have a Tumblr account. That I love dearly, all the other sites have been pretty much meh for me when I tried them and Facebook had me running in the other direction after five seconds.

  3. I mostly do FB and now Tumblr. It's easier and faster to scan social media using a mobile device than with a PC. Scroll,scroll, scroll... done. Post. Scroll, scroll, scroll... done. Do I post where I am at any given point? Mostly no. I definately turn off mapping features. You don't need to know that I'm at Applebees on Transit at that moment in time. Little too stalkerish for my liking.

  4. Pinterest. I can see the value, actually. Also, Tumblr, now that I think of it. Can't be bothered to learn another password and methodology.

  5. I think 1 or 2 is all I care for. I stopped caring about twitter shortly after starting one.


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