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Monday, April 29, 2013

A to Z: Yoshimatsu

We're almost to the end! Today we're back in Japan, with the music of the very-much-still-with-us Takashi Yoshimatsu. There is a lot of fascinating music coming out of Japan these days. Yoshimatsu is almost entirely self-taught, having gained his musical knowledge in that finest of late 20th century ways: by toiling in a rock band for a while. I love stories like that.

The work today is new to me, but I find it wonderful listening. It's actually a series of works for solo piano, called the Pleiades Dances. It's the type of post-Romantic, post-Modern music that's new-sounding but also highly accessible. The works are intended to convey a sense of color and of various musical modes; Yoshimatsu employs many different modes and time signatures for a work that is unusually refreshing. I'd never heard the Pleiades Dances before yesterday, but I really enjoy and admire them.

Tomorrow: we wrap up the alphabet. With whom? I don't know. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've not seen your Z entry yet, but I have no doubt you'll do it. It's been great following your informative blogs. Well done and maybe see you again next year on the A-Z Challenge. Andy.


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