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Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Query for You Fine Readers

Does the commenting system currently in use here suffice? Or should I switch to a system like Disqus, which allows a lot more mechanisms for signing in to leave comments? Please weigh in! I'm not sure that Blogger's existing commenting system is really serving my needs, or readers' needs, as well as a commenting system should, and I see no sign that the Google/Blogger people have any intention of revising that system any time soon. Thanks in advance for your input!

(And for that matter, in keeping with my general new approach of eliminating snark and negativity to the highest degree possible from my life -- and therefore this blog -- as of this post, consider all commenting permissions restored to any and all. Thanks!)


  1. Hey, at least you have a functioning comment system at all! I vaguely remember those halcyon days when I actually knew there were people out there reading my stuff, instead of the deafening sound of my own breathing...

    Seriously, I find the current system to be perfectly adequate. If you have needs that aren't being met, by all means, make a change. But things seem to be fine on this side of the screen.

  2. I prefer no Disqus. Let the people speak. I agree with limiting/eliminating snark/negativity.
    Disqus does not work with IE for me. My employer prohibits use of a better browser.

  3. I say, go with what works for you. We'll adapt. :)

  4. Since I am now using an Android device Google apps readily work with no retooling. Unfortunately some message boards will not work without a download that costs cashy money. No idea how outside comment tool will function. I vote stick with this. Everyone can use basic HTML at this point, right? Or is that just me?

  5. I don't much care. EXCEPT I HATE that alphanumeric thing that Blogger, and some of the others, use. I often find them unreadable and have to submit more than once.

  6. The current system is okay. There is one system that some people use that I absolutely hate but I can't remember what it's called or where I saw it. Instead of asking for everything at once it asks for one thing at a time and every time you think you're done it asks for one more thing.

  7. The current system works just fine for me.


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