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Monday, January 07, 2013

Light blogging ahead....

OK, folks, I'm in the final home-stretch of editing Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title). I have less than a hundred pages to go, and I have an outline to write, so I can get my submission packet ready to go for January 15, my self-imposed deadline. This means that I'll be posting less frequently here until all that is done. No hiatus, but there will be less new stuff here for a few days. Thanks!


  1. Well, I hope we get music on Thursday!

  2. Can't wait to see the changes!

  3. Roger: I've already written and scheduled this week's music post!

    Lynda: I'll be e-mailing it to you when it's done. This is going to the publisher NEXT WEEK. Time to see if this little bird flies!


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