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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Saturday Centus (Tuesday Edition)

Hurg. I put this off because it's a Cute Picture Prompt, and those almost always screw me up. Anyway, here's the pic:

Yeesh. And we're supposed to write in first person from the viewpoint of that squirrel. OK then....

Mr. Spackler, sir? I know you don’t much like my general field rodent class of animal, but...I was thinking that just for today, we might call a truce? I mean, after all, it IS Christmas, sir, and this war between you and the gophers isn’t going well for you. No, I’m a squirrel, sir, but I’ve been authorized to speak for the...well, there’s no need to get rude. Hey, there’s certainly no need to reach for that rifle! Mr. Spackler! AHHH!!! RUN RUN RUN!!!

(If you haven't seen Caddyshack, you won't get the joke.)


  1. Hahahahahahaha ! Great use of the prompt and perfect Caddyshack vehicle!!! ;)

  2. In put your original link to this on this I posted on Facebook and got VERY favorable reaction from creative types.

  3. That was so funny. I was picturing it all in my mind. Great job.

  4. Loved this. So clever. And such great dialogue!


  5. Hurg! Laughing, laughing at you!

    You are wonderful!

    I love the way your imagination works!

    Thanks for a great laugh on this last Saturday of 2012!

    Happy Almost New Year to you!



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