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Saturday, November 03, 2012

Saturday Centus

A word prompt this week. Looking over my entry, I'm wondering why my brain is going this way...I haven't read or watched any horror in a while....

All arise! The first annual convention of the Hannibal Lecter Fan Club will come to order. Our first order of business is the singing of our anthem! All together now:

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November
One less day in those months
For us to maim and dismember!

Our second order of business is our inaugural dinner: liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti!


  1. Funny and good.

    I must have been on the same page but only darker.

  2. I loved your post! Isn't it amazing how our brains can somehow hijack us?!

  3. Oh no- help somebody ....sounds like a Criminal Minds show coming on! :)

  4. Hmmm...

    Things tense at home?


    Just kiddin'.

    I'm thinking I wouldn't want to tick you off right now!




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