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Monday, September 03, 2012

Writing in August...or not....

Writing in August...or not, originally uploaded by Jaquandor.

Well, August 2012 will not go down in my personal annals of writing productivity. I had four different stretches of three or more consecutive days in which I did not produce a single word in Lighthouse Boy! (not the actual title), and my hope of having the manuscript markups for Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title) by Labor Day also did not materialize. In fact, I didn't even get halfway through the manuscript. Ugh!

It wasn't all laziness on my part. August tends to be our more active of the summer months, and this year was no exception; we even had company, via a welcome visit from my Father-In-Law. But writing just didn't get done, much of the time.

It wasn't a complete loss, as I did get some plotting finished and figured out a couple of the "Meh, figure that out during the editing phase" problems with Princesses. One such difficulty -- the clearing up of a certain mystery -- gave me great pleasure when I figured out the solution, because the solution I was originally going for (just leaving that particular question as a "To be answered sometime in a later book in the series" kind of question, since I didn't have an answer for it just now) struck me as unsatisfying. And I figured out some stuff on Lighthouse Boy!, so there's that, too.

Well...on with the work. Now I am hoping to get the manuscript markups for Princesses done by the time I go on vacation, at the end of this month. This works out to getting through at least 11 pages a day between now and the 28th. Onward and upward....

(And yes, blogging will still be on the light side as I get this work done!)

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