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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

What's your favorite mountain? (You don't need to have actually SEEN the mountain...or stood upon it...heck, it can be a fictional mountain!)


  1. That mountaintop ML King, Jr was discussing on April 3, 1968.

  2. Oh, and The Lonely Mountain.

  3. Ever since I saw "First Man On the Mountain" when I was a kid, I've been fascinated by the Matterhorn.

  4. The mountain from The Neverending Story (the book, not the movie) that the Childlike Empress has to climb to meet The Author in The Egg and make Bastian believe that the story and Fantastica are really real. Which of course allows Bastian to finally enter Fantastica and heal our world as well.

    Best... mountain... ever! 'Cause it's where all our mountains are - even MLK's mountain. Or even Nietzsche's mountain in "Thus Spake Zarathustra." All the mountains are there.

  5. Real: Mount Washington, because rime ice and cat whiskers are a great combination.

    Mythological: Mount Olympus.

    Fictional: The Lonely Mountain.


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