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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

So, the 80s Christmas anthem "Do They Know It's Christmas" (which was a fundraising song for famine in Africa). Am I a bad person that whenever I hear the song and it gets to the part where Bono screeches out the lyric "Tonight thank God it's them, instead of youuuu!", I start laughing?


  1. I always thought the verses, generally, were dopey. "There won't be Christmastime in Africa" seemed so First World; much of Africa isn't Xian.

  2. My thoughts echo Roger's. While aid for the starving is an admirable goal, the sentiments expressed in the song are pretty damn naive and WASP-centric.

  3. Also, laughing at Bono does not make you a bad person. I mean, have you seen those glasses?

  4. With you all the way. I detest that song.

  5. I somehow missed that one. Will you forgive me if I don't watch the video? I'm thinking in this case I'll be better off living in ignorance.

    I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas music anyway. There are very few Christmas songs less than 50 years old that I like at all.

  6. I actually like the song while still acknowledging that it was pretty condescending and dopey. What can I say, it's catchy.

    And I laugh at Bono all the time; he's such a pretentious twerp.


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