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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Centus

This week we only have fifteen words to work with. Hoo boy. Jenny says that she's looking to provoke "deep thoughts" with this prompt, but as always, I prefer to not go very deep. I'm a "stay right at the surface" kind of guy, so here's a short scene:

HE: Before I die, I want to--

SHE: But you're a ghost. You're already dead.


HE: Shit.


  1. LOL .... Brilliant!!! :o)

  2. OMG, this was perfection and very clever lol.

  3. Finally a taste of real life in print, great stuff...poor ghost....!

  4. If I were one to LOL, I'd be doing that right now. I'm far too much of a deep thinker to rise to this bait.

    (I do love the direction you went.)

  5. Very funny! A little humour can't hurt!
    Best wishes,

    'Before I die...'-Anna's SC wk 64

  6. hahahahahahaha!

    Your last word was the perfect tagline. I'll be giggling about this all day!

  7. LOL! Made me think of the old joke: "If a man is in the forest and no woman is around, is he still wrong?" That now extends beyond the grave!

  8. Some people are just left at the station after the train has pulled away...too late...great lesson in this clever centus !

  9. hahahahahahaha.... love that you chose this tac .... wicked sense of humor!!! Great!!!!

  10. Ha! I love your writing.

    I wrote a deep post and then scrapped for a silly one!

    Life is too filled with serious sometimes lately...I always appreciate the humor.

    Thanks for linking!


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