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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Centus

I never got around to last week's prompt, because last Saturday was unusually hectic and then I forgot about it until just now. So I'll do a two-fer in this post. First, my use of last week's prompt:

It was already over ninety degrees at 7:00 a.m., and the road stretched out before them, heading straight into the sun. The mountains were behind them, and the dry, deserted lowlands were next. Joe floored the gas of the old Ford pickup, and Joleen sighed.

"There was a sign back there," Joleen said. "And the sign read--"

"Too late for that," Joe said. "This old girl's either got 400 miles left in her, or she don't."

Joleen went back to staring out the window. She remembered an old joke: "Ford: Found On Road Dead". She laughed, humorlessly.

399 miles to go.

And now, my use of this week's prompt, wherein we are also commanded to only use 25 words, not including the words in the prompt itself. I'm a bit political here, but I make no apologies:

"Thou shalt let them marry," said Jesus. "A new commandment? Why? They're getting it on their own."

"They're slow about it," said God. "And I'm not getting any younger."


  1. Joleen made me smile but GOD made me laugh. It's a FORD ... super tale. Bless her heart, understand her very well!! And then .... what is there to say. Really good job.

  2. I'm definitely with Woodswoman on this! Good job!!!!

  3. Great 2-fer ! I always get a kick out of everything you write !

  4. Great take on both prompts. I especially liked "Ford, Found on the Road Dead!"


  5. CJ: You've never heard that? Here are two others: "Fix Or Repair Daily" and (profanity alert) "F***ed Over Rebuilt Dodge".

  6. Oh! Now I'm going to have to go back to find your others! Good job.

  7. I like them! Think I took that road trip though:@)

  8. Quite clever on both accounts...gotta love that humor ;-) Peace and blessings

  9. What a clever post! Brill!

  10. My man never reads signs either. ~Ames

  11. My dad, a confirmed Plymouth/Dodge/Chrysler driver, somehow ended up as a mechanic at a Ford dealership. He always said "ford = fix or repair daily".

  12. First. The sign one, great, great, great. My husband is not good at noticing the signs. I feel for her.

    Second. God's not getting any younger. Such an awesome use of the prompt.

  13. God has some sense of humor! LOL! :D

  14. Great 2 for 1.
    Loved God not getting any younger, I used to have a Ford Taurus station wagon....til it fell apart.
    soul Speak

  15. Great takes on both prompts; but my favourite is about the presumably ill-fated ride through the desert.
    Well done!
    Best wishes,

    Please visit my posts of weeks 62 & 63:
    Sigge says thanks-Anna's SC wk 62
    Books are heavy-Anna's SC wk 63

  16. i like the idea of god pondering up there over a new commandment. nice story idea

    My Centus

  17. A 2-fer from you is truly a bonus!

    I always heard Ford was 'Fix or Repair Daily'. Your little ditty is much funnier.

    And the second was definitely some food for thought!

    Very cool links this week.

    You have such creative vision in what you do!


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