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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Centus

Owing to connectivity issues during the first part of the week and the Blogger outage the second half of the week, I wasn't able to do last week's Centus. I thought I'd just miss one...but then I decided to cheat and do last week's Centus and this week's Centus at the same time! So, here we are: 200 words in which I use two different Centus prompts. Heh!

“Daddy, where are you taking me?” asked a blindfolded Princess Th’ron, as her father the King led her by the tentacle.

“It’s time for your birthday present!” replied King Fr’xon.

They slithered a while through the corridors of the ship before finally stopping.

“All right, here it is!” said Fr’xon as he reached up with a third tentacle and removed the blindfold from his daughter’s eyes.

“What--?” she said. They were on the observation deck, overlooking one of Earth’s conquered cities. Smoke still belched into the sky from the burning buildings, and the thousands of pathetic humans who still lived all knelt before the ship, under fear of vaporization. “Daddy? You conquered Earth?”

“You wanted a world, Darling, so here’s a world! Happy birthday!”

“I didn’t want a whole world!”

“Yes you did. You said, ‘I'd like to teach the world to sing.’ Well, here’s a world. Teach it to sing, just like you do with that beautiful voice of yours! Go ahead! Start with that song your mother always sang to you.”


“Sing it!”

Th’ron sighed. Daddy had conquered Earth for her. Amazing. So she sang.

Hush little baby don’t you cry, Mars will make those Earthlings die....”

“Maybe another song would be better,” her daddy offered.

“Yeah,” she said.


  1. This is by far the most creative take on the prompt that I have read! Good work!!!

  2. That's a great way to combine the last two prompts. I'm especially amused by the ending. Clever and amusing.

  3. What to say to that? Dark, but very well done, and for the comic details too, like the slithering and the 'Happy birthday!' Good to see something so out there!

  4. Awesome blending of the two prompts, in fact brilliant, along with writing a methodically creepy story( now I'm afraid you are going to give Mrs. Jenny ideas for future prompt challenges ) Yikes !!!

  5. Awesome blending of the two prompts, in fact brilliant, along with writing a methodically creepy story( now I'm afraid you are going to give Mrs. Jenny ideas for future prompt challenges ) Yikes !!!

  6. Wow. Feel free to cheat anytime. This was brilliant. I love where you went with this...and how you used both prompts so seamlessly within the 200 words of this perfect gem of a story.

    Really tight writing.



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