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Sunday, May 15, 2011

An observation....

I should have stopped reading political blogs a long time ago.


  1. they kind of are addicting in that massacistic (I know, my spelling is way wrong) kind of way.

  2. Roger: I very very very rarely bothered reading comment threads on the political blogs I read. They just weren't worth it. I still have enormous respect for the tiny handful of political blogs I was still reading as of a month ago, but I'm in the position now where everything political ends up pissing me off, and I don't need the constant anger!

  3. To my dear "Anonymous": Don't try that again, or I will (a) go back to forbidding anonymous commenting, and (b) delete unread all future comments from your Google identity (of which I am quite aware). I am not the least bit interested in a single one of your political opinions, nor in any masturbatory glee you may derive in trying to post them here.


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