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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here's a weird observation: does anyone else out there ever have the experience of seeing a word in print that you've seen in print thousands of times before, and yet suddenly thought upon seeing it again, "Hey, that word looks pretty weird!"

I saw this picture on another blog last night, and after look at the image for a minute, I suddenly thought: "Wow. 'Pepsi' is a pretty odd word."



  1. I feel strogly that 'was' should be spelt 'whas'.

  2. the - where's the short a sound?

  3. Fun fact: "Pepsi" was originally marketed as a cure for "dyspepsia" -- AKA upset stomach.

    I've only ever seen the word "dyspepsia" used in the mystery novels from the '30s I read, so even though Coke has the more old-school logo, Pepsi actually feels more like something with a history to me.

    Plus, my grandpa used to sing an old jingle of their from back when Coke only came in 8 ounce bottles...

    “Pepsi-Cola hits the spot/twelve full ounces, that’s a lot/twice as much for a nickel, too/Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you…”

  4. MathFail. Coke came in six ounce bottles, I guess, or the jingle doesn't make sense...


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