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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Which rank of nobility is cooler: Duke, or Baron? Or choose between Duchess and Baroness.


  1. Well, since I almost was a Baroness, I'll go with that!

  2. I'm not sure cool's the right word..! I'd go with Baron, for the possibly greater autonomy in being more on the periphery.

  3. Another Baron I can think of as a "bad guy" the Red Baron (WWI flying ace von Richthofen). You can't deny the classic song "Duke of Earl", it wouldn't seem right if he use "Baron of Earl".

  4. Well the song 'Duke of Earl' ruined that title forever. I like Baron because the Red Baron was a cool pilot and a good brand of cheap pizza. Plus you can't go wrong with Baron Munchhaussen (sp?). Personally around the house I like to be referred to as Emperor.

  5. I would have to go with Duke, if only because The Critic's Duke Phillips is one of my favorite TV characters, and I used the words "Duke-licious" and "Duke-tastrophe" all the time anyway...

  6. If it's good enough for Edward Kennedy Ellington, it's good enough fopr me.

  7. Hmmmm.... Not sure which is cooler. I think of a Duke as rather young and dashing and a Baron as older and sort of fatherly (if he's a good guy) or just older and menacing.


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