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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Wait, what?

Bill O'Reilly talked to an atheist, and came up with this gem of an argument:

O’REILLY: I’ll tell you why [religion’s] not a scam, in my opinion: tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You cannot explain why the tide goes in.

SILVERMAN: Tide goes in, tide goes out?

O’REILLY: See, the water, the tide comes in and it goes out, Mr. Silverman. It always comes in, and always goes out. You can’t explain that.

If that's the state of scientific literacy on O'Reilly's side of the aisle, it's no wonder that we're pretty much doomed. Wow.


  1. Uh... I think the tidal effect exerted by our moon has been well-understood for several centuries, actually. But then the looney conservative types don't trust history, because only commie-libruls read books. Or something.

  2. HA!!! OH that silly Bill! Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the tides caused by the gravitational pull of the moon? I thought I learned that in Earth Science in school......

  3. It's just not worth explaining to him that the moon isn't made of green cheese. He just will never get it. Good one Billo. Never let facts get in the way of a good arguement.


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