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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Holding Pattern Delta!

Wow, are we ever getting hit with snow in the regions surrounding Casa Jaquandor. Lots and lots of snow, that wonderful lake-effect stuff that beats the hell out of a region about five to ten miles wide and leaves folks half-a-mile outside of the snow band scratching their heads and saying things like, "What in tarnation do you suppose the fuss is all about!"

I assume it's weather related, but our DSL connection at home has been extremely spotty over the last day and if it is weather related I expect it to remain spotty, so I'm not likely to be online a whole lot. But don't just say "Well, screw him!" and click Back on your browsers! I've posted some good stuff lately (also on Flickr), or at least I like to think so. Hang out, leave a comment or two, yada yada yada. Meantime, new content will show up, oh, sometime when I can actually post new content. Cheerio, folks!

(I'm posting this from work, which is something I don't like to do, but duty calls.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I heard about Buffalo. We got hammered in Albany with about 3 inches of rain, wind, and a 20 degree drop in temperature yesterday afternoonn in about 90 minutes. I'm glad we had warmer weather, because, otherwise, we would have been buried too.


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